Welcome to Adhvait Ayurveda | Call Us : +919818576676 | Whatsapp Us : +919818576676 | Ayurveda teaches us to cherish our innate-nature

The Practice of Ayurveda can truly enhance the quality of your life ..


Who we are

Adhvait Ayurveda focuses on managing the physical & mental health of an individual. On this platform, our mission is to deliver happiness in form of a good health to the society.

Right from ancient times till date, Ayurveda has proved to be the most effective way for attaining a healthy and disease-free lifestyle. Adhvait Ayurveda is a wonderful combination of ancient Ayurveda and advanced technology which works on four important pillars, Medicines, Diet, Lifestyle and most importantly happiness of an individual.

Ayurveda is 5000 years old science of life that promotes a healthy living and a disease-free approach to personal health and wellness. It promotes self-healing pivoted on multiple parameters like diet, nutrition, lifestyle, exercises and medicines. Hence, Ayurveda is considered as a truly holistic approach to wellness.


Disease We Deal In





Digestive Problems

Mouth Ulcers





Joints Pain

Hair fall

Renal/Gall Stones



Skin Related Problems





Our Services

Audio Consultation

Video Consultation

Whatsapp Consultation

Clinic Consultation


Kuldeep Joshi Patient

I was suffering from recurring kidney stone since 4 years, I have left all my hopes to get rid of it permanently. When I met Dr. Nikita, with a very positive attitude she gave me hope and cured my kidney stone within 3 months. I am very happy and satisfied with the services of Adhvait Ayurveda.

Sadhana Singh Patient

I am very happy and satisfied with the services of Adhvait Ayurveda. The doctor was very polite and efficient to treat my thyroid. I am so blessed to say that I have reversed my thyroid which I was suffering since a longer period.

KNS Patient

In the 1st wave of covid, when even I got covid positive I have left all my hopes because every institute wanted to hospitalise me. That time I came to know about Adhvait Ayurveda and with a very little hope I started the Ayurvedic treatment, but due to the brilliant work and efficiency of Dr. Chaudhary I could manage to become covid negative within a week. I am so thankful to her, she is the real hero of my life who saved me in that pandemic when people all over the globe have faced a huge loss. May God Bless her to grow more in her life.

Rajesh Patient

Very appreciating and satisfactory services given by Adhvait Ayurveda when I got encountered by Anemia. It took time for recovery but I could gain my full strength very soon. Appreciate the efforts.

Hardyesh Patient

I suffered from jaundice and was looking for something in Ayurveda and came across Adhvait Ayurveda where I got good treatment and services.

Sadhana Patient

I got permanent solution for my mouth ulcers, thanks to Dr. Nikita. I appreciate her efforts.

Sandeep Tiwari Patient

I was suffering from constipation since a longer time with on and off recurrence. With the help of Nikita ma'am I finally got a permanent solution from this and also future remedies for prevention.

Sunil Patient

I am suffering from diabetes since a longer period of time and could not control the sugar levels. With a positive approach and efforts of Dr. Nikita I am able to get my sugar levels under control. My treatment is still going on with a hope to reverse my diabetes very soon.

Raj Patient

I have seen wonderful results in my indigestion problem. Thanks to Dr. Nikita for her treatment and support.

Shweta Patient

I am great full to Dr. Nikita for treating my white discharge and PCOD problems permanently. My gynaecologist told me that these problems do not have any permanent solution but Dr. Nikita's efforts proved everyone wrong and finally I got rid of both of my problems permanently.

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